documentation of finished project - photographs (1-2) of project
five (5) things you learned from others during crit
critique write up (self evaluation -- cover form, concept, presentation, craft, and materials)
big idea
documentation of finished project - photographs (1-2) of project
five (5) things you learned from others during crit
critique write up (self evaluation--cover form, concept, presentation, craft, and materials)
color triptych
documentation of finished project - photographsof project (one of whole set plus at least one of some important detail)
critique write up (self evaluation -- cover the role of color in how it worked as a whole set, then evaluate each piece -- form, concept, craft, presentation, materials)
TTH Crew WEEKend 2 to-do list p[1] dots strategy step 5 ___ review [p1] dot handout ___ complete habit crit write up in VJ ___...
SHSU Art Department Mission
The mission of the SHSU Art Department is to build a diverse and contemporary program that will promote critical thinking, creative problem solving and aesthetic understanding in both the student body and the faculty. The Department of Art promotes creative research through the use of scholarships, community-student related activities and by exhibiting both faculty and student art work in our gallery. Additionally, we provide the University and the community with a variety of visiting artists and lecturers who help sustain a larger artistic vision.
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