Habit Crit Download
Habits/Patterns of Compositional Problem Solving
[DOT thumbnail team process crit]
1. Spread out all
thumbnail compositions on your desk. Your table team will spend 5-7 minutes analyzing your thumbnails and NOTING your habits/patterns of problem solving for the entire set of compositions.
TAKE NOTES while your work is being crit in your VJ. You will participate in the analysis of the rest of your team members.
Some typical observable habits (sense of sameness) in the solutions to look for are: dot size, dot degree of scale shifts, placement relative to the page/square (centered, off center), distances between dots, distances from edges, density of dots, amount of negative (white) space.
Possible habits/patterns in solutions
a. Scale
b. Distances
c. Relational shifts of scale, distance, placement or density
d. Density
e. Placement (within page)
You will discover you have compositional habits as well as work/process habits that should be paid attention to and pushed/stretched throughout the semester. Watch for them.
You are to record in your VJ the team’s analysis of your work and apparent solution habits.
HW Also write up summary of what you learned from your and your peers crits. Be sure to address a-e in VJ even if your team did not discuss. Complete before next surface studio.
2. Create new/revise thumbnail solutions
For communicating MEANING (gestalt) if adjustment is needed based on more thorough understanding via team discussion, make several revisions.
Develop 2-3 additional studies for each concept breaking your dominate PATTERNS/HABITS in terms of dot size, degree of scale shifts, placement, distance, density. Add these to your three sets and narrow down to top ten most interesting, unique, and clear for each concept.
3. Render with sharpies (dots solid; no outlines) the top five strongest (conceptually and visually) compositions for EACH principle as 5.5.x5.5 BW compositions.
a. Cut out 15 - 5.5x5.5 inch squares from smooth Bristol or white cardstock.
b. Scale up and refine and replicate your 15 chosen thumbnails on to the 6x6 squares.
c. Within each square, using, a fine tip black pen, draw 3-6 precise circles with a circle template or compass. Carefully fill in circles completely with black sharpie. Alternatively you may use black cut paper circle forms to compose within the 5.5x5.5 field.
d. Remember you are composing these circle forms to express the following gestalt principles: Continuance, Proximity, and Similarity.
f. Label each composition lightly with pencil on back with concept, MW and your name. After you have completed these 15 compositions, carefully evaluate each and determine which ones are the most successful. Do any need to be revised? Make it happen.
These 15 comps will be critiqued first thing next surface studio.